Thursday 6 June 2013

Old school :)

Sunday was a very fun day. We didn't end up doing the trail or hike because the weather was not great, but we went into New Haven and Jess showed me around Yale. It was so exciting to be at the historical and oh so famous Yale University!

We had a wonderful day wandering around between all the beautiful old ivy covered buildings (ivy league school, haha!). Interestingly, a common misconception about the term ivy league is that it came about because of the ivy covered walls of the schools, and their ivy planting traditions at graduation ceremonies. However, in actual fact, the name is more accurately attributed to the Roman numerals for four (IV), because there was originally a sports league comprised of four elite schools (Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia) before being joined by the other four schools that make up the ivy league today.

Anyway, history lesson over :) I personally felt Yale was far more impressive than Harvard as old historic schools go. There was such an old and elegant feel to the buildings. It was like walking through Europe a couple hundred years ago! :)

Jess showed me a favourite haunt called Insomnia Cookies (pretty self explanatory). They are famous for serving warm, freshly baked cookies with milk at any time of the day or night! Very cool :)

We meandered in and out of numerous shops along the streets, one of which sold glow in the dark nail polish! I had to have :) and it works!!! We also stopped at the MASSIVE and infamous three storey Barnes and Noble Yale bookstore! It is not just a bookstore. It has clothes, electronics, posters, and so much more! It was mind boggling! I was astounded to find that most stores in America email your receipt to you rather than printing one! They're very big on "going green" over here!

On Sunday night, Jess, Jimmy and I went out for sushi which was very tasty, and on Monday morning I hopped on the bus which took me to the train which took me to the other train to get to Boston. I saw a very interesting creature (I don't feel comfortable guessing a gender because I honestly cannot say what this child was.) It was a teenager, originally I imagined it to be a boy as it was flat chested and wearing quite masculine clothing, but then I realised it had long-ish black and bright blue hair, and a lip piercing! Eish, I dunno who was more confused... The child or me!

I was overjoyed to find out they have wifi and plugs on their trains! I literally charged my phone and iPad the whole trip to Boston and spent most of it on Skype as the weather was awful and there was not much to see out the window :)

I have posted some pics on Facebook and earlier blog posts (you may have noticed they have changed order) so please have a squizz at them! It does take a long time for me to upload them, and my iPad is temporarily out of commission, so please be patient, I'll try to upload more soon! :) there will be a single post on my stay in Boston, which I will put up on Saturday when I am on the bus to camp. Eeek! I excite! :)

Stay classy c",)

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