Tuesday 2 July 2013

Summer camp starts!!!

Tuesday 25th... Camp has officially started!!! :) we all got dressed in our super sexy camp shorts (that was sarcasm) and tees and waited, melting slightly, in the ridiculously humid and sweltering heat for our campers to arrive. Three of mine came at 10am and the other at 3pm (it was her 10th birthday, bless her) and they are such sweet girls! Thrilled that I have such a nice group :) the one girl is almost straight of the Parent Trap (pranced into the tent like a little madam, announcing that she has an addiction to sunglasses! Lolsies.), the second is very sporty, the third is just overflowing with mischievous energy and the fourth is a quiet, socially awkward girl that asks me very profound questions about Africa... My best so far was (please read in American or it won't be half as funny) "Do they have bathrooms in Africa?" 

Woke up the next morning to very excited whispering and giggles. I myself was less than thrilled when I glanced at my watch to find out it was 5am! Even less thrilled to hear Reveille on the bugle at 7:30 and find out that that's how we'll be waking up every morning. Taps sends us to bed too. It's almost too much American for my ears to handle! (Find them on YouTube if you ain't sure what they is :-p) the first full day of camp was spent with campers wandering around seeing all the different activities and getting acquainted with camp. Felt great to be back in the barn and my filthy jods and boots! :) did a few practical assessments on the campers who boasted their abilities. Hilarity ensued and we tried our hardest not to laugh when we watched the best riders on paper ("I can walk, trot, canter and jump") bouncing like useless sacks of potatoes at a trot. We got assigned our tables today (the campers rotate, counsellors stay put) and I'm paired with a lovely girl. Yay :) 

Activities started on Thursday, and from then on my days are pretty much all the same with the exception of changes in the weather... A typical day at camp is as follows: 
7:30 Reveille blows
8:00 Breakfast
9:30 Activities begin
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Tent time
14:50 Activities resume
17:30 Tent time
18:00 Dinner
19:30 Evening activities
20:45 Taps blows (lights out)

Duties are done in shifts, either off duty during evening activities then on after Taps until 11:30pm, or on duty for evening activities and off after Taps. Sunday has no activities, Wednesday is beach day, which means everybody is shipped off to the beach for the day! Tomorrow is the first one and I'm praying desperately for warmer weather because it's currently a very chilly 14 degrees outside! Everybody is on duty on Sunday evenings. We each get one day off a week and it might never be the same day twice. I will try to post every time I have a day off.

Friday came with some bad news from the horses... Ivy had a massive gash on her near hind leg and Clover came down with colic the next day. Friday night I had my dinner night out and I went into Camden with a bunch of the girls for dinner then came back and watched a movie in Topside. Saturday I got back to my tent after activities to find my bed in the rafters (these are proper permanent tents) and all my left shoes were missing! Little monsters pranked me :) as soon as I had very convincingly feigned my shock and surprise at their cute but so predictable prank, I made them undo all of it and they had been so delighted by my reaction that they didn't even mind or notice :) bless their little hearts they are so cute and innocent. 

Sunday came with another episode of the cult gathering before we sat in some enjoyable meetings while the kids went off to write letters to their family. Later we went and sat down among the pine trees  and talked about settling in. This is a deep and serious hour we spend discussing important matters in a nondenominational manner rather than a church service because of the different backgrounds of the campers. Afterwards we had an afternoon of tent time. I read to my girls most of the afternoon. I'm reading The Magic Faraway Tree to them and I'm glad to report that they love it :) 

So today was my day off, as you have probably guessed ;) I have added a few more pics to the Washington post (taxation without representation) and done these two camp posts. I hope these will sate your appetites until my next day off! Please please please feel free to write me as many letters as you will... If you would like to write me a letter, you can get the address from mom or ask me on Facebook. I will treasure them and reply in kind! :) that's all for now, dearies! 

Stay classy c",)

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