Tuesday 20 August 2013

Summer camp ends

Sadly, not much to report on the end half of camp. As usual, I am so sorry for the long silence, I simply had not a moment to myself! And also, not enough happened to be worthy of a blog until camp ended. A few storms, some performances at logs, a couple days off and my tent won tent inspection two weeks in a row :) other than that not much else happened. The end of camp was interesting though.

I had a few lovely days off in second session. One of which took me on a long 4.2 mile walk down the road for a break. It was lovely! We had a few more falls which were mostly amusing and not at all serious. Poor kiddies were traumatised though :-p they're so funny when they're scared! Lolsies. Camp ended with what I can only describe as a ritual. It sounds terrifying, I know, and it was! Basically a Waldorf wedding ceremony without the rings. 

We all walked in to the camp house in our tent groups (except for myself and three others who were playing the Canon in D by Pachelbel - memories mommy? :-p) and were handed a thick birch twig as we walked in. Once all the ceremonious "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..." speeches were out of the way (yes, I'm mocking a little but not exaggerating by much!), each tent went up one at a time and our birch twigs were bound together while someone stated that the campers in tent blah blah blah were forever bonded together in camp friendship. The tent counsellor then threw the bonded twigs into a fire. I felt incredibly squirmy and awkward. After that, the campers left the next day and we sorted out all the tents for family camp before the families arrived on Tuesday! 

Family camp was far more relaxed than actual camp. Mostly we did pony ride style lessons. Some kids were so little that we had to quintuple roll the stirrup leathers and their legs didn't even reach the bottom of the saddle! Bless them, they were so cute :) one particularly cute little four year old fella, Emmett, took a shine to me. He was absolutely adorable! He asked his parents to go away so that I could babysit him. Too cute :) he was a real proper little rough 'n tumble tyke. Arrived at camp with a black eye! They just don't make kids like that anymore :) after family camp, we had a very tearful goodbye with the horses :'( for some of us, it was as close as we had ever been to having our own horse and it was pretty hard to let go! We closed up the barn far quicker than any of us thought possible, got fed far too much pizza for dinner on Sunday night and left early on Monday morning for the bus so that we could finally GTFO (Google it :-p) of Maine. I've never felt so happy and free.

I took a bus to Boston with all the riding girls. Had a tearful goodbye at South station as they went off to New York and I headed to Connecticut to meet up again with my beautiful friend Jess. As much as I won't miss camp I will definitely miss those girls! We had an amazing team. 

Stay tuned for adventures in Connecticut! And as always, stay classy c",)

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