Saturday 18 May 2013

Alice in Wonderland

I took it fairly easy after my crazy Thursday adventures all over Manhattan. I just wandered down to Central Park with one of the girls in my room and spent hours exploring the massive garden.

On the way down to Central Park, we stopped at Starbucks to grab coffee and then two blocks down at Broadway Bagels we had the most delicious scrumptious bagels filled to bursting with sundried tomato cream cheese. I will definitely be back for more of those!!! 

We spent hours ambling through the incredibly green wonders of the park. It was a fairly warm day, but under the trees it was cool and breezy and there were endless sights to keep our greedy eyes entertained. Some very odd sights too! Groups of children wearing luminous safety vests, walking in a long line clipped by their sleeves to some form of leash, being led from the front and herded from the back by harried looking women; ladies jogging with prams in front of them (hell of an achievement if you ask me!); hundreds of cyclists, joggers, tourists and squirrels all over the place; artists and groups of musicians randomly scattered throughout the park, creating a lovely medley of confused sounds that carried all through the park; statues of various people and stories - the best of which was definitely the Alice in Wonderland statue; and my absolute favourite - a man making MONSTER bubbles that floated for ages before bursting. There were two small children standing there and they were chasing these bubbles with such joy and abandonment I could have watched this all day! 

But my long and crazy adventure the day before (and possibly still some jetlag) started to catch up with me and I headed home (definitely got the hang of this subway thing now!) after that to rest and relax for the rest of the afternoon before catching some very early zzz's to recuperate for today! Still working on a plan to post pics for you guys... I am dying to show you! Please be patient :)

For now, I am off to experience the world of American movies. I am going to watch Ironman 3 and feast on a bucket of popcorn (it's not American if you don't get the bucket!). After that I will go and find an electronics store to see what I can do about pics.

Stay tuned for today's adventures! And as always... Stay classy c",)


  1. I've just decided that we need to travel together at some stage. Maybe Europe or South America!

    That's all for now :)

    1. Great idea! I like both of those :)

