Monday 20 May 2013

It's kind of a big deal...

Greetings from the capital of America! Sorry for the long silence guys! You didn't miss much on Saturday, just a lot of clouds and a New York movie theatre experience. No bucket of popcorn though :(

So I have started my tour with Trek America. Having such a blast! Even though I'm quite literally surrounded by Aussies and Pommies, they're a really nice bunch of people. We did a lot yesterday. On our way down to DC, we stopped at Philadelphia and saw where the Declaration of Independence was signed, and we ate their signature food called a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich. Highly over rated :) it's just a dry roll with mayo and shredded steak supposedly containing Philadelphia cheese but I didn't taste any :)

We continued on our long road trip down to DC (District of Columbia, named for Columbus) where Washington is (obviaas). I learned about the most pointless and confused sport in human history - Australian football. Please do yourselves a favour and look it up. It's a great laugh! Despite the crummy weather and really bad road trip music, we were in high spirits when we arrived in DC. We all had our first Walmart experience (so huge! They had at least ten different flavours of Oreos and I'm sure there was a gun section, we just couldn't find it... Crazy stuff!). We finally arrived at camp, and after a very nifty and quick session of tent pitching, we spent some time tossing around a football. I feel like a traitor for even admitting that, let alone having done it, but there it is. No rugby balls for me :(

We had some supper and then grabbed our raincoats and headed into Washington for our ironically named illumination tour. It was very illuminating. We saw various monuments: Lincoln memorial, Washington memorial, Martin Luther King memorial, several war monuments, and the Capitol building. They were all beautifully lit up. It really is an amazing sight. We also learnt that Americans believe they single handedly won World War II and they actually have monuments claiming as much. So very interesting. They teach all their kids from primary school age that America saved the world (yes I'm paraphrasing, but I mean, really America?!). Can you believe it?! Another very interesting thing we have noticed - American flags EVERYWHERE. Literally. You can easily have two flags in your field of vision at all times no matter where you look. It's become a standing joke with our group, much to the annoyance of our guide. 

Today we are being let loose in Washington to do as we please. Hopefully I will have time to see the White House, tour the Capitol building, the Supreme Court, the Shakespeare Library, a few Smithsonians and as many other things as possible, before we head back to camp at 6pm for a camp fire and a nice relaxed evening. Yay!

Until tomorrow... Stay classy c",)

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